Sunday, July 8, 2007

Let’s get out more

We decided that we ought to be spending more time out in Cape Town – rather than being shut ins locked to American TV serries on DVD/Download – although they are quite good ways of spending the evenings if you have to watch TV. South Africa TV is pretty weak. We did have the option of watching that box office smash Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner on prime Friday night but sadly I’ve seen it. You know [Wispers from the corn]: If you build it they will come. Etc etc.

I digress. We’ve decided to tour Cape Towns restaurants on a more frequent basis.

Step 1: the much touted restaurant at the Extreme Hotel. If you can get over the fact that all the meals are labelled things like the ‘Hand 10’ burger and the ‘Ally Oop’ chicken combo then you can actually have a pretty decent meal. You have to ignore some of the décor which is a bit too ‘extreme’. The wall festooned with boarding paraphernalia including the skateboard’s with trucks on backwards. Any skater out there will explain the extremeness of this.

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