Friday, October 12, 2007


Not that I'm one for wasting money and particularly on designer toys from Japan but these guys are pretty cool..

Filiming again

This time the crew rigged up an American Diner with man made rain...The one thing that stood out was the fact that if you work on a set you spend most of your time standing round doing nothing whatsoever.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Don't buy a Nissan

So we swapped cars a couple of weeks ago. The Polo had lost all ability to read CD's and was having a few issues.. So we entered into the uncharted teritory of dealing with National Car Rentals customer service. It seems they only train their staff to deal with one scenario - customer arrives on plane, issue car, next.

So I think we had about 5 different phone calls (with about 5 different people all of which knew nothing about each other) trying to explain that we were bringing the car back to exchange etc etc. Complete waste of time - we may as well have used semaphore to communicate with a blind penguin who wrote things down on an Etch-A-Sketch. Safe to say after several rounds of drawn out nogeotiations and a 90 minute trip to the airport we were able to return the car and swap it for another.

Drum roll please - A Nissan Tiida. First impressions were good - nice finish etc but then after driving it for a few weeks you begin to notice the flaws. Above 100kmh the engine sounds like it's having a seizure, the gear box feels like it attached to your hand using a drinking straw and the astmatic air con is a bit unpreductable. My advise to anyone buying a Nissa Tiida (Although i don't think the UK is subject to them) - Don't. Save you cash and pump for somthing German.

I think i've got enough pictures of the sea for a book

Between Camps Bay and Llandudno

And Llandudno

It snowed in Cape Town

I think they're shooting the Chrsitmas commercials at the moment..But on Sunday it did actually hail at one point - it's supposed to be spring now...

Rhodes Memorial

The Rhodes memorial sits on the slopes of Devils Peak and is a memorial to the legendary Cecil Rhodes of 'I'm going to name a country after me fame'. Hence the former Rhodesia.

Dubious charachter = dubious monument.


The new Proteas are out at Kirstenbosh. But pic of the day was this bee.


Here's a whale we saw just off Muizenberg spotted from Boyes Drive alongside where the Shark Spotters sit.

I had a quick chat the the spotter about shark activity recently and he said that earier in the week he'd seen 2 4 metre Great Whites just off the breakers one of which turned in towards the surf. Here's s thing to know - the Shark Spotters wear Polarized shades to cut down on the glare off the water so they can more easily see the shaddow of the shark.. Nice to know..