Saturday, June 2, 2007

And thanks to Mum and Dad

Thanks again goes out to my Mum and Dad for coming out. I know how spending 10 days in Africa having long lunches, going on scenic drives and having close encounters with cheetahs can be such a drag.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Table Mountain

This icon is always a designer favourite, it's the pretty universal sign for an escalator.

The picture below is a photo of Platteklip Gorge on Table Mountain looking down from near the top. If you look really carefully you won't see one of those nice escalator signs, and that's because there isn't one. I, for my sins decided to walk up there on the Bank Holday to see what it's like. Hell is probably a good way of describing it, I think it's about a 3k walk, but covers about 700m vertically. The base is at 363 m and the top at 1,086 m. Safe to say I was a bit of a mess once I got to the top, bit like Stalone at the end of Rocky where he can't see or walk and is dripping with sweat. I was trying to prove a point by doing it in under an hour, but only manged 1 hour 7 minutes.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Thanks to Neil and Carrie

So yeah thanks go out to Neil and Carrie for coming out to see us, we all had an awesome time, and thanks especially for out little Japanese toy.

False Bay

You might want to turn your computer on it's side for this one, or for those with heavy computers maybe try lying on your side or place your head on the desk like your listening to it.

This is False bay last week. Incidentaly I forgot to post about this but I'm 100% sure I saw a shark on this drive.. About 25 yards out from the shore I saw what i'm sure was a fin just cutting through the water. It was dusk and it was False Bay so it was prime location.


Baked biscuits today..

I have to admit I'm not the tidyest chef in the word, but I'm sure Ramsay has his critics too.

Mmmm these look nice

Mum & Dad, Me & Nicky

Last day of Mum and Dad's hol's on the 'Baboon pass' [ed: real name please?] just above Franschoek.


Finally got a skate at Maitland skatepark. Certainly not Westbeach but not a bad little spot, so long as you ignore the broken glass, holes in the concrete and slighly uphill nature of the place.