Saturday, August 4, 2007

Skateboards with more pop per pound

For those of you in the know check out these fine skateboarding tools I picked up today. Durban based company I think and Running at £14 a pop all 3 are coming back to the UK this week with more to follow in September.

All are 7.75's so Scotty that might rule you out!

Squashed my egg burger

One of the best things about the racing is the egg burgers you get in the clubhouse. Unfortunately I had a bit of an 'incident' today. It's been raining a lot here recently and just after we bought our egg burgers and chips we had to walk down a concrete slope that turned out to be very slippy. Not surprisingly I managed to slip over and land on my bottom in the wet. What really brought tears to my eyes though was the fact that I managed to land on my egg burger.

I was not at all happy.

The Antidote

Almost as if we needed an antidote to the mornings' petrol head adventures we hit Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens and Camps Bay.

Here's the results..

Gone Racing

We went to Kilarnay race circuit again today to see the Wes Bank V8 Super Series which looked on paper to be a bit more serious racing than last time we went. The place was about 10 times busier than it was last time which had it's downsides. It turns out that in the same way as holidays makers mark their 'teritory' with towels, race goers mark their spot with a flaming BBQ, a barricade of 4X4's and intricate system of fences made up from red and white hazard tape. Dare to cross the tape and you're in serious trouble...serious.

We did manage to find a 'non-marked' teritory but it took some walking - safe to say that's why no-one could be bothered lugging their BBQ's, overweight kids and beer that far.

Here's the view. Aparently one of the top guys racing the super bikes has only one eye. Tough as hell.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Table Mountain Slides

We took to the road along Table Mountain to go into the closed off area at the far end. This part of the road has been closed for several years now due to landslides which have left the road pretty unsafe. Check out these.

And then some for the album.

Saturday Skating

I decided it was about time i tried to skate at the weekends and the complete lack of skateparks meant that street skating was on the cards.

Sadly our mid winter days resulted in me having to seek shelter in the form the the car parks of the V&A Waterfront. After bing kicked out of the first super shiney concrete palace i found this monster. !00% empty, 100% mine. Security actually seemed more interested in watching than kicking me out which was a good result.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


We went to see if the whales had arrived over in Muizenberg. No whales but some amazing waves. The week has been incedibly stormy and saturday was also a wild day. Fals bay however was almost completely calm.

Check this wave out. The amazing thing about this was that the wave suddenly rose from nowhere, you could see a swell moving in and then this monster just appeared. All the surfers were crowded into one tine take off spot. I don't think I'm tough enough to be a proper surfer.