Saturday, January 12, 2008

Weekend Wonders

It being out last full weekend we decided that we'd better make the most of it. Taking a diplomatic approach 'Beach' wont 2 votes to nil, so we went to the beach, namely Boulders. I did try and go for a surf but Muizenberg didn't look too appealing.

But snorkeling with penguins seemed to be a pretty good compromise.

Also took a visit to Kirstenbosch where we saw probably the most bizarre and quite scary spider ever. Just walking down the path this thing appeared out of the grass, probably about 5cm across and pretty hairy. One onlooker tried to prod it with her flip flop (clearly been watching to much of the Really wild Show) and it suddenly reared up into some sort of defensive pose. Poisonous? No. Did we known that then? No. Did we hang around? No. Did i get a picture? No. Did I move ata pace which could be considered a jog? Yes.

Some other things I didn manage to photograph.

We also took a pilgrimage to Century City just to make sure the shops hadn't all changed since last week. They hadn't.

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