Friday, December 7, 2007

Sunday - Graaf Reinet

We decided to take a walk round Graaf Reinet, and it’s one of the first places beyond Stellenbosh where it actually feels nice just to take a walk and look around. We found probably the biggest collection of taxidermy this side of the Natural History Museum – I didn’t think we could get a full size Springbok including it's frieze back on BA.

We then set of on a drive to locate a meteor impact crater we’d seen on the map. By all accounts is was through a town called Aberdeen and then towards a place called Aberdeen Road – yes you did read that right; a PLACE called Aberdeen Road. To cut a long story short don’t trust anything written in an AA guidebook, they’ve clearly spent too much money on TV adverts in the UK diverting valuable funds from the factual wring department. I think a toddler born in St Petersberg would have been of more use to us on this holiday than the AA book.

Safe to say we didn’t find said crater and in fact when we looked on Google earth when we got back to Cape Town we’d been about 60-100km’s off. One thing I did notice from the drive was how interesting this part of the world is. You go though towns which on the face of it are ghost towns, but there is always people going about their daily routine, chatting on the street, shopping or relaxing. The tows made me feel like we were in Mexico, or at least the picture in my head I have of Mexico, the look, the people all had that feel.

Then back to Graaf Reinet for some Game Viewing, some relaxing by the pool and dinner in town where I had probably the best Spring Bok fillet in the world.

1 comment:

wiyono said...

the first of visit here