Thursday, December 6, 2007

Friday - Hogsback – Somerset East

We left Hogsback pretty sharpish the next day owing to the weather and the fact that we were beginning to feel like we were in an episode of Twin Peaks, but not before a bit of exploring in the car. This was where the 4x4 was beginning to show itself as being a good choice. All the roads round Hogsback were gravel and mud and the amount of rain we’d had made them quite fun to drive.

At one point we ended up at a really nice little lake. Bird were flying round and swooping down onto the water picking off flies.

The birds didn't want their pictures taken.

The Madonna and Child Falls

The drive to Somerset east took us though some really interesting places, most interestingly lots of really small towns – we were beginning to get a real feel for Small Town South Africa.

Lunch was good.. Although purchasing lunch was fun too – I can’t remember the town but us and our car stood out like a sore thumb. In the supermarket it was defiantly elbows at the ready to get what we wanted – I did curse the locals for the pushing and shoving but then it’s so much easier than pleasantries and language agnostic, I might even use the technique next time I’m in the Post Office in the UK.


We nearly turned round when we got to Somerset East mainly due to the Alkatraz style fencing around our B&B, luckly though we pulled ourselves together and found it to be a really nice place.

We took a drive out into the hills, which again was more gravel, and hence, lot’s of fun.

More if this to come..


Pilot: Rogers, Navigator: McDougall

The Prada Sheep

We ate at the local nightspot – the Blue Crane, lots of sensible shoes and people saying Grace.

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