Thursday, August 16, 2007

One busy old week

So no blog posts must mean things are bad.

Last week was saw a quick trip back to London 'on business' so to speak.

Here's some highlights of the week..

Ahh beloved Stockwell. In slightly patchy shape at the moment but the work on the street is that Jez has managed to get the council to resurface the resurfacing. Fingers crossed. Nice to See Scott, Whip and Johners..

Contrary to poular belief it is actually Summer - here's proof.

And then to this one..

So here's the thing, down at Mortlake Station there's classic car dealership full to the brim with everyone's favourite classic motors - Porsche, TVR, AC Cobra and the odd Ferrari. And it's always funny in the mornings and evenings walking past seeing career men leering through the security fence as if they're teenagers again. Although instead of working out how many weeks pocket money need to be saved to buy that Corgi, it's how many bonuses need to be be hidden from their better halfs to justify spanking it on a completely unpracticle car. The thoughts that must cross peoples minds - "Maybe if I just got made redundant the payoff might just stretch to that 911"...etc etc.. And the place is perfectly placed, passed each day by eager city and media types on their way to and from work. Like the preverbial carrot on a stick....

Anyways... Late 70's 911, Black, 13k - Repeat after me: "Must work harder...Must work harder...Must work harder...

1 comment:

Paul said...

just tell your self it only a bug in a dinner suit.......

...............but hey what a drive and i even had Aidan in his car seat in the front (he must of been around 4 at the time)