Thursday, August 23, 2007

Langebaan and the flowers

This weekend we went up the west coast to stay in Langebaan. It's a town on a lagoon which is very nice and calm, and it was a really warm weekend - the first for a while now.

This is the time of year that the wild flowers grow and boy, were they growing. There were flowers EVERYWHERE! We went into the West Coast National Park where a whole section is only open in August and September, just for the flowers. Very pretty but after a while it begins to wear you down. I took over 100 photos - needless to say they were all rubbish, but Dave took some great ones...

[Dave] And here they are...

The view from the room in the morning. I like the shite [ed - white] houses and the colours of the landscape behind..

A nice looking but sadly departed star fish.

Some clouds

And to the flowers

And then some amazing sea and waves

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