Friday, July 6, 2007

Dental Package Holiday

Right, I hate dentists as a rule - something about having sweet tooth and meeting the latter day Butcher of Cumberland in my childhood. So trips to the dentist are generally quite traumatic experiences. So it was with feet scraping along the ground style I dragged myself kicking and screamning to the dentist this week to have a bit of a checkup. We'll not go into the details here, it's not the best reading for you all. But to sum up i have a checkup and then booked myself in for a bit of a cleaning. So today was cleaning day. R210, about £14 got me the best 40 minute dental experience ever. Admittedly I did feel a bit like a horse having it's hoofs done but now i've got myself a bobby dazler clean smile. So this brings me to the point of this post. So dentist in the UK are expensive - so why not book yourself a holiday to Cape Town and combine it witha trip to the dentist. What you save in dental fees you can waste on fine wine and nice weather. The Dental Package Holiday is born.

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