Monday, April 23, 2007

Lions head

One of the best things about being here is how close the outdoors is. It's something that London just doesn't have but we both love the outdoors and we've never really had enough of it.

Step 1 was for us to do the Lions Head walk. That's one of the peaks part of Table Mountain park close to the city. It's a pretty beaten track but still quite a trip, close to the top things get a little interesting with some vertical accents with the famous 'chains' to help you climb. Someone call the Health and Safety Executive..

Here's a pic half way up.

Here's us at the top. Pretty nice up there.

We seemed to meet quite a few characters up there, the place seems to attract odd balls. In no particular order.

  1. The group of over preened 50 somthing women trying to look and act half that. Complete with fingerless gloves, too much lycra and fancy remarks about how to climb up the chains.

  2. The over protective boyfriend/over scared girfriend combo. No love, you won't fall...But thanks for the 'lean forwards so when you fall you don't fall down the hill' tip son.

  3. Girl who thought we were 'just having a rest' when in fact we were waiting for her to get her arse up the narrow gap so we could get down.

  4. The guy who brought a full 12 inch pizza to the top..

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