Friday, March 30, 2007

Clarkson would be amazed

So here's the thing. Cars, we all love them ( and if you happen to know our personal vehicle history you'll understand our particular facination with them), but when you were growing up, before you actually could drive you always had a facination with particular cars generously helped along by a long line of Athena posters, Lamboughini Countash, Porshe 911 Turbo (Pillar Box Red, whale tail spoiler), Peugeot 205 GTi, Golf Mk 1 Gti etc etc...And then when you did grow up and tried to re-live your childhood ideas of these cars they've all done 150,000 miles been driven by a bloke called Darren from Egham and the dream isn't quite as sweet as you remember.

Fear not everyone because good old VW South Africa have come to our rescue don't ask me which insane member of the VW Executive Board decided this (And if you're out there Mr VW Exec i'd love it if you enlightedn me) but they still make the MK1 Golf over here. New. Shiney. 0 miles on the clock! How mad is that. Almost everyone I mention this little peice of trivia to back in the UK, once past the astonishment phase, says almost without drawing breath - "how much to import one?" and you know whats even better, they're making a GTi version. I know what you're thinking: How? What? Why?. Answers ona postcard please.

Check this puppy out

1 comment:

Paul said...

can you bring me one back pleeeease